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Urgent: WEP and GPO Repeal Goes to a Vote on Tuesday, November 12

STRS Ohio Watchdogs

As a rule, we don't post about the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) as they are federal laws over which STRS Ohio has no jurisdiction.

However, as many of our active and retired members are impacted by WEP and/or GPO, we want to alert everyone to a very important vote scheuled to take place in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, November 12.

PLEASE contact Ohio's Representatives to the House and ask them to vote "YEA" for H.R. 82 on Tuesday!

Contact them via social media and the contact forms on their Congressional websites.

Since the 1980s, the campaign to repeal WEP and GPO has never come this far. We need your help!

Do it for yourself, a relative, a colleague, or a friend.

This spreadsheet lists Ohio's Representatives and links to their contact information:

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