The Ohio Conference AAUP Board of Trustees has endorsed Michelle Flanigan for the open contributing member seat that is up for election this year on the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Retirement Board.
For 26 years, Michelle has taught government, economics and financial literacy at Brunswick High School. Prior to her teaching career, she was a financial analyst. She has been actively engaged with STRS for many years.
During the candidate interview, Michelle demonstrated a command of the issues facing STRS and articulated pragmatic approaches to addressing them. As an educator who began her career later than most teachers, she is sensitive to how pension age and service requirements impact college and university faculty differently than they impact most K-12 teachers.
We encourage our members to vote in the upcoming election and to consider voting for Michelle Flanigan. We will have more information about voting in the election in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can visit Michelle’s campaign website for more information about her candidacy and STRS issues:
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